A clown who’s gone to therapy.

Bonjour! My name is Lily Marcheschi, and I do not speak French.

I am a 6 foot tall, 24 year old actress, who’s been movin and groovin in the arts for about 16 years. I have an Audrey Hepburn face with a Kristin Wiig flare. I started acting before I really understood what acting was. All I knew was that I would make a face, a voice, recite a line, and people would laugh. I loved it. I took that all the way from the classroom to my parents’ dinner parties where I would force everyone to watch me perform my new hit single, “Every Kill begins with Kay,” a Kay Jewelers parody, and now into the real world.

I have studied and worked from San Francisco to Scotland. I have trained at several well known facilities (The American Conservatory Theatre, Boston University, The Atlantic Acting Conservatory,) and have also busked on the streets of Edinburgh in PAJAMAS to rally a crowd for my show “Peter Wendy,” where I played the tallest Tinkerbell the world has ever seen.

Ciao! (I also do not speak Italian. Sorry Dad.)

Welcome to my website! Please stay, hang out, have some gluten free snacks, and enjoy.