Lily Marcheschi is a performer originally from San Francisco, California. Currently residing in New York city, Lily is attending the Atlantic Acting Conservatory. Founded by David Mamet and William H Macy, this intensive style conservatory is adding the practical aesthetics technique to Lily’s rolodex of talents and skills. 

Before going to New York, Lily was heavily involved in the theatre scene in the Bay Area. Lily began performing and studying with the American Conservatory Theatre at the age of 10, starring in many debut shows. Craig Slaight (head of A.C.T’S Youth Conservatory for many years) said,

“Lily Marcheschi is further along in her acting, singing, and dancing work then most her age and yet comes to every class and every rehearsal with a generous spirit, an ensemble focused attitude and with leadership skills far beyond her years. She always delivers far more than she gets. This is truly a remarkable young woman and an extraordinary young talent who I would be eager to engage again and again. She has evolved into one of the very best in the conservatory and has limitless potential.”

Amongst her work at A.C.T, Lily was chosen to be a part of the Youth Exchange workshop program. A program where 8 students are chosen to go over to Aberdeen Scotland, and co-commission/produce a new play with Her Majesty’s Royal Theatre of Scotland. The play was then brought back to the States and put on at the American Conservatory Theatre. 

Along with acting, Lily was simultaneously training at the Ballet Studio, O.D.C (Oberlin Dance Collective) and taking voice at the community music center, taught by bay area performer Beth Wilmurt. Lily attended Oakland School for the Arts. Originally in their dance program taught by Alvin Ailly alumni Reginald Ray Savage, Lily then switched into the schools Theatre department. While in this department, Lily was cast in a show that was chosen to go to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival! Playing the first ever 6 foot tall Tinkerbell in the production of Peter Wendy, Lily and her cast spent 3 weeks busking by day and performing by night. 

Lily then left the traditional high school system her junior year, so that she could work more on her craft. She homeschooled, worked at a coffee shop, and had a starring role in the debut of Lovesick! The Cat Allergy Musical! Written by Pamela holm, this quirky musical got picked up by multiple theatres and toured around the bay area before coming to a close. Once Lovesick came to an end, Lily picked up her things and went to L.A, where she worked with The Groundlings, and worked on many short films and independent projects. 

Lily made a return to her hometown of San Francisco, because she was asked to play a leading role in The San Francisco Speakeasy. An immersive theatre piece that guides you through the lives of Speakeasy regulars. Michael French (director of the Speakeasy) said,

“ Watching Lily during her audition was like watching the best of Diane Keaton sautéed with the best of Saoirse Ronan, she was absolutely brilliant. So much that we altered some aspects of the character that she was auditioning for so we could have her in our production…. There is no doubt in my mind that with the right artistic nourishment, the right artistic soil, Lily could be at the forefront of the next generation of young American actors. She really is that special.”